Contact Info

Dawn Werra

Social Care Project Lead

Social Care


Apprenticeships are designed to help individuals develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career and employers to build a workforce with future ready skills.

An apprenticeship is a job with training. Through an apprenticeship, an apprentice will gain the technical knowledge, practical experience and wider skills and behaviours that they need for their immediate job and future career.

Apprenticeships can be used for current staff development and to recruit and develop a new employee.

This page has been designed to support you in finding all the information you need to know to navigate through the apprenticeship journey.

If you have further queries or questions please contact Lancashire and South Cumbria Social Care Apprenticeship Team on 07796 060023 or [email protected]

Grow Your Own

Employers across the UK often struggle to recruit skilled, experienced staff or retain staff and the reasons vary across different areas. One of the most effective ways that employers can combat skill shortages and win the war for talent is by ‘growing their own’.

By having an apprenticeships scheme in place will help bridge the skill gaps and provide opportunities to develop local talent, address technical gaps in the economy and provide a long-term solution.


Click the above icon to see some great videos about apprenticeships!

Apprenticeship Programmes

Choosing the right apprenticeship programme is a significant decision and one which needs to be made carefully by all involved. Apprentices who go on the wrong programme are more likely to disengage, or even withdraw altogether.

To support and guide you with choosing the right apprenticeship programme this section provides you with useful tools to help you view the key details and resources for a variety of different apprenticeship programmes available.

  • An Apprenticeship Comparison Tool (ACT) has been developed to assist in comparing various apprenticeship programmes and training providers, ensuring the best choices are made for the future.
  • Alternatively, If you are an employer/employee interested in applying or would like further information for any apprenticeship programme regardless of whether it is listed on the webpage please complete the online Expression of Interest Form or email [email protected] and a member of the social care apprenticeship team will be in touch.

Apprenticeship Tuition Fees are paid using levy via the Employer’s Apprenticeship DAS account. Employers with an annual pay bill of more than £3million pay into the apprenticeship levy and use this to pay their tuition fees. Employers with less, are non-levy payers. Non-levy paying employers are able to apply for a levy transfer from another organisation to cover 100% of the tuition fee. This is never guaranteed, but to date has been very successful. If a levy transfer cannot be secured then non-levy payers will only pay 5% of the tuition fee, the Government pays 95%.

News, Funding & Events

This section displays Apprenticeship News, information about funding and up and coming Events. 


Multiply can help.

• Bespoke courses designed to meet your business needs
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• Delivered across Lancashire

Multiply not only helps your business, but supports your employees to become more confident with numbers, reduces workforce errors and improves productivity.

A4 Posters V3 Employer Focussed WEB

Can you be an Ambassador for your Profession?

The Programme aims to support staff across different professions who would like to volunteer to undertake some outreach into schools, colleges and community activities to raise the profile of their profession and work in the NHS Health and Care as a whole.

We are looking for keen staff and pre-reg students at every level of their career. Being an Ambassador can be as much or as little as you want. It might be that your strengths are in tweeting, TikTok videos, or you would like to participate in a recorded chat about your work and your profession as a whole. These can all be done at any time of day and may take as little time as a few minutes! Or, you might really love to go out and meet people in schools and colleges, chatting to students and maybe presenting or under-taking workshops. This might take anything form an hour to a couple of minutes!

Read more here!

Learning and Skills Mentor Level 4 apprenticeship programme will support in developing the knowledge, skills, and behaviours for employees to become a highly effective mentor. The learning and skills mentor will be responsible for the mentor relationship with the mentee working within ethical and legal frameworks and organisational boundaries to support the progression of the mentee. They may work with a wide range of stakeholders to support the progression of the mentee and ensure best practice is developed and maintained.

This apprenticeship programme duration is approx. 15mths and cost £5,000. For non-levy paying employers only 5% (£250) contribution required to be paid, or potential for full 100% levy transfer (£0).

If you would like to discuss further, please contact [email protected] or if you have employees in mind, please can you complete the Expression of Interest Form

Amazing apprenticeships are looking for employers and apprentices to take part in exciting projects that will be shared to apprentices, students and employers across England – Find out more –

The work of Amazing Apprenticeships Through our work, we are privileged to meet thousands of apprentices and their employers from across England to listen to their stories and learn from their experiences. Every apprentice’s story is unique and powerful. Whatever your background, age, gender, apprenticeship role, apprenticeship level – we know that individuals are keen to hear from you and to learn from your experiences. We have seen how impactful and memorable it can be when current and past apprentices are able to connect with the apprentices of the future – and we’d like to find even more ways to encourage this to happen


From 1st April 2024,  SME employers who do not pay the levy no longer have to contribute to the cost of apprenticeship training for 16–21-year-olds – government is fully funding the training costs for these individuals.

For new starts from 1 April 2024, for employers who do not pay the levy, the government will fully fund apprenticeship training costs, up to the funding band maximum for apprentices who at the start of their apprenticeship training are aged between:

  • 16 and 21 years old (or 15 years of age if the apprentice’s 16th birthday is between the last Friday of June and 31 August)
  • 22 and 24 years old and: – has either an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan provided by their local authority and / or has been in the care of their local authority; and – their employer has fewer than 50 employees

For starts before 31 March 2024, for employers who do not pay the levy and have fewer than 50 employees, the government will fully fund apprenticeship training costs, up to the funding band maximum, for apprentices who at the start of their apprenticeship training are aged between:

  • 16 and 18 years old (or 15 years of age if the apprentice’s 16th birthday is between the last Friday of June and 31 August); or
  • 19 and 24 years old and has either an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan provided by their local authority and / or has been in the care of their local authority

From 1st April 2024,  SME employers who do not pay the levy no longer have to contribute to the cost of apprenticeship training for 16–21-year-olds – government is fully funding the training costs for these individuals.

From 1st April 2024,  SME employers who do not pay the levy no longer have to contribute to the cost of apprenticeship training for 16–21-year-olds – government is fully funding the training costs for these individuals.

The government will fund all of the apprenticeship training and assessment costs, up to the funding band maximum of the apprenticeship:

  •  Employers who do not pay the levy, if at the start of their apprenticeship training the apprentice is aged between 16 and 21 years old
  • Employers who do not pay the levy and have fewer than 50 employees, if at the start of their apprenticeship training the apprentice is aged between 22 and 24 years old and has either an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan provided by local authority and / or has been in the care of their local authority

Employers could get £1,000 for taking on an apprentice who is either:
aged 16 to 18 years old, or aged 19 to 25 years old and has an education, health and care (EHC) plan or has been in the care of their local authority
Find out more on the government webpage: Payments for hiring a young apprentice – GOV.UK (

Employers with fewer than 50 people working for them can train, at no cost,apprentices who are aged 16-18, or apprentices who are aged 19-24 who have previously been in care or who have an Education, Health and Care plan. These employers are not required to contribute the 5% co-investment; instead, the government will pay 100% of the training costs for these individuals up to the funding band maximum. For more details and criteria, please see the latest ESFA funding rules ( august 2022 to 2023)

It supports the provision of high quality care and the continuing professional development (CPD) of staff across the adult social care sector by providing a contribution towards the costs of vocational learning. The fund allows you to claim back money towards the costs of workers completing a broad range of adult social care qualifications, learning programmes and digital learning modules. 

To claim funding, an organisation must provide an adult social care service and directly employ care staff within England.

To read more – follow the link below:

Workforce Development Fund (

Young care leavers starting an apprenticeship from August 2023 will receive a £3,000 bursary – triple the amount that is currently on offer.

The bursary available to care leavers undertaking apprenticeships will increase from the current allowance of £1,000 to £3,000. 

 Employers are also given a £1,000 bursary to take on a care leaver apprentice. Click HERE for further information

HMRC introduced that if any employer either recruits or enrols an existing employee onto an approved UK government apprenticeship standard or framework and they are under the age of 25 years, the employer DOES NOT pay Class 1 Employer National Insurance (subject to a criteria).    Once the staff member has completed their apprenticeship or reaches age 25, the NI benefit stops and will return to the normal rate. If you would like any further support or guidance please let me know ([email protected]) or click on the link  Paying-employer-national-insurance-contributions-for-apprentices-under-25

Funding for Trainee Nursing Associates (TNAs) employed in Social Care/Private, Independent and Voluntary Organisations (PIVO) 2023/24

Contact [email protected] for further information

SC Employers TNA Funding letter 23 24 Final V3 (5)


This section displays a range of frequently asked question. 

Do apprentices need a lot of support?

Apprentices may need additional support in the initial stages, especially if this is their first experience of employment but this is likely to decrease as their skills and confidence grow. Providing a mentor they will provide the apprentice with advice, guidance, support, direction, and an objective view on how they can develop and progress in the work environment

Are Apprenticeships just for school leavers?

No, apprenticeships are NOT just for school leaves. Anyone over the age of 16 can apply for an apprenticeship and can be offered to both new and existing staff.

How long does it take to complete an apprenticeship?

Each apprenticeship is different and vary in length. The minimum duration is 12mths and can take anywhere between one and four years to complete, depending on the level of the programme.

Are there entry requirements for apprenticeships?

Different Apprenticeships have different entry requirements and the project manager for social care apprenticeships alongside the training provider will provide guidance.

Why do apprentices need 20% off the job training?

The standards include a 20% off-the-job training requirement. Off-the-job training is an important aspect of apprenticeships. It allows the apprentice to learn from external specialists and/or experts and develop a wider range of skills and knowledge. This helps them to become more competent and confident in their role. This means providers and employers work together to plan learning activities outside of the apprentice's normal working duties. Off-the-job training is mandatory and is audited.

Are Apprenticeships only available for new recruits?

No - there is a common misconception that apprenticeships are only for school and college leavers, but in reality, it may surprise you to know that Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16 and can be accessed by existing employees who are looking to upskill and gain new skills.

Existing employees who want to enrol onto an apprenticeship programme will their terms and conditions be affected?

No, by accessing an apprenticeship in your current role your current terms and conditions will not be affected

Do apprentices have to be employed full time?

The minimum duration of 12 months is based on an apprentice working at least 30 hours a week, including any off-the-job training they undertake. If the apprentice works fewer than 30 hours a week, or where a part-time working pattern is needed, you must agree with the training provider to extend the apprenticeship accordingly.

My question is not on here?

Feel free to contact the team via this email: [email protected]

Let's Share Success!

Celebrating Accomplishments

The Social Care Training Hub firmly believe in recognising and acknowledging the achievements and we understand the importance of showcasing individuals’ relentless efforts and unwavering commitment to their profession, demonstrating that their hard work is both valued and deeply appreciated.

Within this section, we invite you to be involved, where you can highlight the remarkable work of your talented apprentices, supportive employers and the mentors who have wholeheartedly supported them throughout their transformative journeys. Here, you’ll can provide heartfelt words of recognition, captivating images capturing their invaluable roles, and even the proud moments of your apprentices clutching their well-deserved apprenticeship certificates or awards.

Join us as we proudly showcase the profound impact apprenticeship programs have in the Social Care sector. Explore the incredible stories that emerge from these initiatives, showcasing their ability to:

  • Create a Talent Pipeline:
  • Upskill Existing Staff
  • Attract and Develop New Staff
  • Support Diversity
  • Contribute to a Motivated, Skilled, and Qualified Workforce

Let their stories inspire you to embrace the power of hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence.

Please email [email protected]  apprenticeship team and we can share your feedback/stories/pictures on our website and Tweet using #apprenitceshipsLSCcare

Congratulations to Nursing Director Barbara Johnson, Ashleigh Thorne Clinical Nurse Manager and the team from Risedale Ltd on being awarded 53 in the top 100 Apprenticeship Employers of the Year for 2023 – Department of Education

“We were invited to the House of Commons for a celebratory lunch following being awarded number 53 in the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers of the Year for 2023. There were only 3 health and social care employees above us, all of which were NHS trusts or ambulance services so to achieve this place is just phenomenal. It shows the works and effort the Nursing Director Barbara Johnson and the team put in to ensuring employees have such amazing opportunities and our residents really benefit from this, ensuring they receive the best care possible. The experience itself was fantastic, with the opportunity to speak to other apprenticeship employers and learn from one another. Everyone was amazed that a more localised nursing home ranked so high!”

Ashleigh Thorne, Clinical Nurse Manager, Risedale Estates Ltd

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